Animal Cell Model Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter

Animal Cell Model

Product Code : ILS-BLE-10345
Indian Lab Suppliers is a leading Animal Cell Model Manufacturer,suppliers and Exporter

Animal Cell Model
The model also shows centrioles, lysosomes and fat vacuoles. 
The presentation of the process of extrusion of a Golgi vesicle and pinocytic sings shown by the cell dynamics. 
For teaching purposes the components of the cell are very brightly colored to bring out the high degree of segmentation of a cell. 
The model shows the recently discovered principle of the delicate structure of an animal cell. 
In addition to the organellae like nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, ribosomes respectively polysomes and Golgi apparatus. 
In one piece, on a stand with base. 
Numbered with Key card.

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Office Address

Works: #975 Malleshwaram,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560003


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