Surgical instruments Curettage /SET Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter
Product Code : ILS-MK-11562
Indian Lab Suppliers is a leading Surgical instruments Curettage /SET Manufacturer,suppliers and Exporter
Kit contents:-
Retractor, vaginal, Doyen, 45x85mm
Retractor, vaginal, Auvard, 38x80mm
Scoop, uterine, Simon, 12mm, sharp
Curette, uterine, Sims, 8mm, blunt
Curette, uterine, Sims, 7mm, sharp
Curette, uterine, Sims, 9mm, sharp
Curette, uterine, Sims, 12mm, sharp
Sound, uterine, Martin, 320mm
Dilators, uter, Hegar, d-e, 3-4to17-18mm
Forceps, dressing, Cheron, 250mm
Forceps, uterine, Museux, 240mm, cvd
Speculum, vaginal, Graves, 95x35mm
Bowl, stainless steel, 180ml
Technical Specifications:-
This set should be considered part of any minimal investment in a health facility with surgical/obstetrical activities. A fully functional environment with theatre, sterilisation and resuscitation rooms, as well as trained personnel must be available.
Forceps are used in preference to Pozzi forceps because they are less traumatic. Vaginal retractors permit a better access to the cervix than a speculum.
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